Saturday, May 2, 2009

Hijinks, Hissy Fits, and Hysteria

Way back in the day in my lbtc (life before travel consultant), I taught high school for a number of years and was the sponsor for a student vocational organization that taught business skills and leadership. Our group was very good and we frequently won our tests and competitions at the regional, state, and even national level. I was young and foolish and would take a bus full of students to competitions--that was back when I could get by with only two hours sleep in a period from Thursday morning until Sunday afternoon. Now granted I stacked the deck in my favor by choosing only the brightest and best behaved students, but still it was not without it's problems.

The first category of problem is what I call hijinks, kids being kids, having silly but harmless fun. For example, we were all having dinner in the mall (or so I thought). One kid runs up and says, "come here Mrs. Nye, you have got to see this, hurry!". I took off running expecting to see blood, or at least guts. There sat one of our group in the middle of a store, playing the piano! Since no one was complaining (he played pretty darn well for a teenager) I laughed. I even let him keep the tips he made.

The second group of offense called for me to have a hissy fit. Now for those not familiar with that statement: it's when an adult finds out, lots of yelling occurs, and punishment is doled out accordingly. Had a couple of noteworthy fissy fits--once I caught some of the gals sneaking a smoke in their room and another time some of the boys (my own son included I am pretty sure) thought it would be oh so cool to write their name on their room wall with cheese-whiz and crackers. They all know who they are, so no names will be offered.

The third thing--hysteria--only happened once, when a student fell on the escalator and she and I went by ambulance to the ER in a strange town. I had to get hold of myself because the student needed me. That brings me to my point about hysteria.

I think the news media has done a pretty good job stirring up hysteria about the swine flu. Pictures of poor folks with face masks appear on every broadcast. But is this a situation where hysteria is necessary?

Let's look at the numbers. If you do research yourself, rather than allowing those face masks to scare you, you will realize that more people die each year of the regular flu and diabetes than have died of swine flu. And, we have medications for both. That's not to say I am not being careful. I am washing my hands a lot more and watching out for crowds and people who appear to be sick. But I do that anyway, don't you?

I’ve heard from a few clients who are concerned about visits to Mexico that are scheduled for their cruises for two months from now or even six months from now. The answer I give is simple. First, this too shall pass. It’s likely that this will be over in the next few months. Secondly, the cruise lines have no interest in putting their guests nor their crew in danger. We’ve seen the cruise lines change their itineraries for the next month as they take a “let’s wait and see” approach to decisions in the further future. Trust that they have everyone’s safety in mind and that the news media’s job is to keep your attention.

Don't let hysteria ruin the fun of anticipating your cruise!