Friday, September 11, 2009

Facebook Fun and Games

I admit it, I absolutely love Facebook! I check it every morning just after I check my business and personal email. I update it most every morning, sometimes several times a day. I check it before I go to sleep at night--I confess I love Facebook! To my friends and family, this comes as no surprise, to those of you who don't know me--well don't judge until you try.

Why do I love FB? Several reasons divided into two different categories. First personal reasons. Did you know I hardly ever miss a friend or family member's birthday now? And, I have reconnected with a friend I started elementary school with. In fact, more than one. Several people I went to high school with, people I knew from 25 years ago; it's amazing how many people I am finding. I found a lost cousin, people I love that I used to work with, and about a hundred kids I taught while they were in high school who are now raising kids of their own. I see what my own kids are doing even when they don't take the time to call their mom, and can take pride in my nieces and nephews as they enter their high school years. It's wonderful--I LOVE Facebook.

The second reason I love it is for business. I use it to introduce cruise specials, connect with clients and post my blogs, tweets, and pictures. I met my business coach and have received help, advice, and a chance to mentor from several like minded industry leaders and new friends. I have found suppliers and resources as well as inspiration from other small business owners working their way through the joys and problems of business ownership. I LOVE Facebook.

Some people maintain you really need to have two separate accounts, and they may be right. I tried it and didn't like doing it that way. I wound up mixing the two parts of my life by accident or lack of time anyway; plus I feel a person is the sum of their parts, so there you go.

However, I have a little advice that I would like to pass along.
  • If you are like me and use FB as a personal and professional tool, be careful that you keep a decent balance. Too much info either way may be aggravating.
  • Don't use your FB as a political, moral, or economic platform. Think before you expect other adults to change their minds about any of the before mentioned, no matter how eloquent your debate.
  • Be careful the information you list in your updates. I freely give my business phone, but almost never give out my home phone or home address.
  • Remember your Facebook page may be indexed by Yahoo and Google. Often my FB page will come up higher than my actual web page. And while most of the info is protected, any entry level hacker can figure out a way around the safeguards, so again discretion is advised.

Just some friendly advice, some unfortunately I learned the hard way. I am certainly no expert, but then that's another one of the beauties of Facebook--anyone can learn to use it and enjoy the product for personal and professional benefit. Just another reason I LOVE Facebook!

Keep on posting,


Sandy, the diva cruiser, is in reality Sandy Wheeler, an Independent Contractor for Connie George Travel Associates. Follow her adventures on and on Twitter @thedivacruiser

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