Friday, October 23, 2009

The World is Shrinking, So Why Won't My Waist?

I just finished reading Rhys Bowen's latest book called Royal Flush. The herionine, Georgie, is a relative of the "royals" and is at the castle when the Royal Grouse Hunt is being held. As an aside to the event, a group of the locals volunteer to take a group of haughty American visitors on a "haggis hunt". Since haggis is a Scottish sausage concotion and not an animal to be hunted--well you get the point.

Reading this reminded me of an old Southern tradtion called the "snipe hunt". Good ole boy locals would take visitors out at night hunting for snipes with some interesting results. And if by chance the visitors were haughty; then they were taken to an especially thick part of the woods and left till morning. Strangely enough, no one has ever bagged a snipe in the woods. (They are actually shore birds.) Go figure.

The world is different now. Myths like the snipe hunt are easily debunked by just
Googling the words "snipe hunt". There's even a Wikipedia entry for it. Easy access to information about other cultures, peoples, and places to visit are at our fingertips. New and exciting venues have recently developed into the "it" spots to visit. Costa Rica has become one such place, and the requests for Costa Rican womens' adventures have been coming in.

So, tada! We are offering a ladies only trip for November 2010. A 9 day, 8 night adventure in Costa Rica including the following sites and activities: a visit to the Poás Volcano, a cooking class, yoga on the beach, a painting lesson with the local artists community, a boat ride on Lake Gold, the Museum and National Theater in San José, Monteverde Cloud Forest and Orchid Garden, Tortuga Island Excursion & Snorkeling, and much more. Plenty of exercise, activities, and unique opportunities to see culture, art, peoples, and places that give you a profound experience of development as a woman. All in the company of exceptional women just like yourself! Here's the link to this great trip

Yes, our world may be shrinking, but you don't have to shrink with it. Decide instead to grow and join us on this super adventure!

And remember, don't go hunting after dark!

Sandy, the diva cruiser, is actually Sandy Wheeler, Independent Travel Consultant for Connie George Travel Associates. Follow her adventures on Twitter @thedivacruiser.

Email Sandy to ask questions about any of our great trips and check out for more information about our escorted tour to Costa Rica!.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Looking for a Few Good Men..and Women!

I get absolutely thrilled when I can announce that I was able to make a good thing better! It's awesome and I couldn't wait to share. . . so here goes!

As you may have heard, we have a great themed cruise sailing April 11, 2010; a Marines' cruise for active, retired, and spouses and friends of Marines. It's a 7 day sailing on board Royal Caribbean's Freedom of the Seas with ports of call in CocoCay, Bahamas, St. Thomas, and St. Marteen. Three great sea days are perfect for mingling with friends and fellow Marines and their families. We have group space set aside especially for our group in the categories of Inside, Promenade, Ocean view, and Balcony cabins.

Now for the news! They say good things come in threes, so watch out!

#1)For a limited time we are offering $200 per cabin shipboard credit on new bookings. $200 worth of specialty dining, drinks, shopping, gambling--your choice! A great addition to an already awesome cruise experience.

#2) Since "Toys for Tots" is a project near and dear to the hearts of many Marines and their families, we can now $500 Toys 'R Us gift card to Toys for Tots to any marine league, organiation, or individual for every 5 cabins brought into the group.

#3) There is no limit to the number of gift cards you or your group can earn! What a wonderful Christmas memory this will make.

You see why I am excited? I love giving goodies to my clients!

Now, get your friends and fellow Marines together and let's make this happen.

Call me 252-339-9614 for more info or to book.

*Toys for Tots gift cards will be available after the cruise.

Sandy, the diva cruiser, is in reality Sandy Wheeler from She is an independent agent of Connie George Travel Associates and looks forward to hearing from you. Email her for more information. Follow her adventures on Twitter @thedivacruiser