Tuesday, March 9, 2010

One Step At a Time OR Plodding is a Good Thing!

One day last summer a new  woman showed up in my pool aerobics class and seemed to be working very hard for a newbie.  Being the busy body I am (I like to refer to it as "friendly") I asked about her and we were all told that she was indeed new to the Y, and was scheduled to get married soon and wanted to shape up.  Since most brides feel this way, I thought nothing of it until she further replied her wedding was only 2 weeks away!  I was floored as were the other members of the class as she mentioned her dress was too tight and she needed to lose 20 pounds in these two weeks to fit into it.  And that she intended to take at least 5 classes that DAY!  Since she was at least my age, I thought "she's going to kill her fool self"  but her enthusiasm was not to be shaken, even though our instructor tried to make her see that fitness and weight loss was achieved slowly over time.  I don't think I ever saw her again, but the lesson has stayed with me.  Some things don't happen overnight and are best done a bit at the time OR plodding along.

One thing I think fits this same principle well is spending money on travel.  Some people enjoy the thrill of finding a last minute trip and plunking down their cash and heading out! That's super and if you are of that mindset, call me, I always have last minute trips and cruises ready to book.  But for me and a lot of people, well we may not have a lot to cash to plunk.  Or enough leave from our employment, or quick-as-a-flash childcare available.  But with the right planning--especially financial planning, almost anyone can take the trip of their dreams.

So to help all those planners and plotters, Connie, (our esteemed leader) came up with the idea of a "payment plan" for our trips and cruises.  Two such trips where this would work well are my New Orleans at Christmas escorted bus tour or the Chicks at Sea cruise.  Pay $200 down this month and $100 a month (or more you decide) and pay until you are all paid up! With New Orleans coming in at $879 and Chicks at Sea 5 day ladies cruise prices starting at $500, it won't take long to make your trip a reality.  Plus to me, part of the fun of a vacation is the anticipation--you will have a few months to savour your trip--all paid for without taking too much out of the budget at one time.  I will be happy to work for you on a payment plan that suits your needs.  I will be delighted to help you join the ranks of the planners and the plodders--it's a good thing!

Happy travels AND happy budgeting,


PS Just IN!  We have an absolutely fabulous value on board Holland America Line cruise ships.  Book during our Cruise Sale and receive an exclusive Onboard Value Booklet valued at $354.  Sail anywhere--these onboard services will enhance your voyage!   

PSS  Sail on our Chicks at Sea voyage and have dinner every night with Sandy the Diva Cruiser herself.  Have your picture taken for free!  Chances like this to mingle with celebrities don't come along every day!

Sandy, the divacruiser, is actually Sandy Wheeler, Independent Contractor for Connie George Travel Associates.  Follow her adventures on Twitter @thedivacruiser or on her web site: www.SandyWheelerTravel.com

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