Sunday, April 11, 2010

Cruise Question SOS-What About Those Sail Cards?


Dear Diva Cruiser:  What do I need to know as a first time cruiser about those sail cards.  I know they act as my cabin key, what else do I need to know?  Signed Excited About My Vacation in Georgia.


Dear Excited in Georgia:  You are so right!  The sail card IS your cabin key, but it's very much more--it's your key to the kingdom if you will.  Unlike the flimsy paper electronic keys used in many hotels, this card is made of credit card material--and should be treated with the same care as a credit card. 

The sail or embarkation card may contain any or all of the following information: your name, ship, date of your cruise, dining time and table, ship's phone number, your lifeboat station, and a folio number.  This is your "money system" on board as well as your identification and must be carried at all times whether on board or ashore.  In fact, the first thing you will do after leaving the check in station at the port is present your sail card to the staff member at the entrance to the gang plank.  Your card will be scanned and you will be officially ready to sail. 

Once on board all your purchases and activities will be charged to your sail card.  On newer ships, even things such as gambling use the sail card.  Personally, I like the sound the nickels and quarters make when hitting the slot, but that's my thing--so back to your question. :)

Your sail card is VITAL when planning to go ashore.  You cannot leave OR return to the ship without your card, so please use care.  You will need a picture ID to go ashore (driver's license) as well as your sail card.  Also once ashore, you sail card does not work as currency unless you are in a port such as Labadee, Haiiti, which is a Royal Caribbean property. You will need to carry a credit card with you for dining and shopping while on shore.  This is also one of the few times you could need cash depending on your plans.

I hope this answers your question dear sister in Georgia.  Yes, your sail card is your cabin key and a whole lot more!  Keep it safe and keep it with you!

Until later, email me if you have questions about this sail card blog or any of my other blogs.

Happy cruising!


Sandy, the diva cruiser, is in reality, Sandy Wheeler, Independent Contractor for Connie George Travel Associates.  Follow her adventures on Twiter @divacrusier or on her website

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