Monday, May 3, 2010

The Airport Shuffle

I love to line dance--it's super fun and good exercise.  The exception maybe what I call the "airport shuffle" --when you ride an escalator to get to another escalator to get to a monorail to get to an elevator and on and on.  But such is the reality of modern day airports, it's part of the dance.  The bigger the airport, the longer the dance, and like a line dance, it's easy to get out of breath.

Another modern day reality that makes the trip longer is, of course, the security check in, which seems to get more elaborate every time I fly.  I laughed out loud when the TSA took my rolledup tube of toothpaste.  As a travel advisor, I spend a good bit of time reminding people what to pack.  I keep a cosmetic case packed so I can grab and go, but my last trip was to a resort and didn't involve flying.  OOPS! note to self!  never assume!

But in the few seconds (which stretched out a l---o----n----g time) when I realized my bin of stuff was being pulled aside and I was being called over-- my thought was OH NO, SOMEONE PUT SOMETHING IN MY BAG!  I had never let my bag out of my sight, but still eek!  I wasn't exactly sure what would happen in this situation but I was pretty sure I wouldn't make my flight, among other things too scary to mention.  When she held up my toothpaste and said she would have to keep it, well as I said, I laughed. 

So to recap, just a couple of points that might be of interest.

  • Keep your eyes and hands on your bag at all times.  Don't trust anyone you don't know, no matter how innocent they seem.  Check out reruns of NCIS or rewatch the Mission Impossible movies for examples.  Plus, hey, it's Mark Harmon and Tom Cruise-never time wasted!
  • The 3 ounce carry on rule applies to liquids AND gels.  Toothpaste IS a gel dear readers!
  • Don't argue with the nice TSA's.  They are there for your protection and just doing their jobs!

Happy and safe travels, Sandy

Sandy, the diva crusiser, is actually Sandy Wheeler, and Independent agent of Connie George Travel Associates.  Follow her adventures on Twitter @thedivacruiser or on her website Email questions about this or any of her blogs, she loves to hear from readers. 

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