I admit, my little dogs rule our house. With all of our kids grown and gone, we need someone to mark the cadence of our days and these little miniature dictators are more than happy to keep us in line. I travel a good bit in my role as a travel blogger and my husband travels a good bit on weekends in his role as a tennis line judge and referee. So we plan our comings and goings around keeping the two little princes happy with at least one of us at home at all times. Every so often we get a chance to go and take the pups with us—believe me when I say they understand the word “vacation”.

The morning of the trip and everyone is excited! Me, because I don’t want to leave anything behind, the pups because they don’t want to get left behind. I know from experience to go ahead and put on their traveling harnesses—Button our younger dog has taken several unplanned “side trips” slipping out of his collar and running away as a puppy. Once he went shopping in a gorgeous mall in Hilton Head Island , SC. He wiggled out of his collar, followed a lady in the door and I spent a fun hour chasing him around. Well, fun for him anyway.
With the first trip by my husband to the car to load the few things we are taking with us (just a weekend visit to the Outer Banks); my older dog Gizzie trails him out and gets in the car. We kind of expect this as he makes this his routine. When we are packing, he just sits in the car waiting. No matter what, he is going!
We are on our way to one of the two properties in the Outer Banks that allow pets. I think this is a sad situation-as vast as the Outer Banks that only these two properties accept dogs. And maybe I am prejudiced since my dogs are fur children and very small—but really—two properties? Anywho a story for another day perhaps—we check in and the kids are quite excited! Look mom! our own little balcony facing the pool with a gate allowing them to stand outside and join in the fun.
Saturday of our visit dawns clear (finally after four days of constant rain) and the four of us hit the beach. Even though dogs are allowed free rein on the beaches here, I keep mine leashed because of their size. Labs, greyhounds, and darlings of undisclosed breed are out this morning with their people saunter by to the delight of my fur kids. Babies playing in the sand are another thrill for my Button; although it’s always wise to keep an ubervigilant pose with babies. Even the most amiable pup like my Button may get huffy when their nose and ears are pulled!
Later back at the hotel mom (that’s me you know) decides to take a dip in the pool for some water aerobics type exercise. I know some terriers love the water; but mine are not of that persuasion. When the desk clerk stated the dogs were not allowed in the pool I had to laugh—you couldn’t MAKE these babies get in a pool. What they do however is hilarious. As I walk or swim from one side to the other they run from one side to the other. In a bit we are all pooped and ready for a nap.
The weekend continues nicely with the pups spending most of their time at the fence bordering our little first floor veranda yipping and yapping at the new dogs coming into the pool area. One toddler, in the pool with his dad, jumps out comes over; gives the dogs a pet; jumps back in and repeats the process about a gazillion times. I am reading and watching amused—little boys and dogs you can’t beat that combination!
We are home now and the boys are sound asleep on my recliner, exhausted after their big trip. For fun I ask, “did you boys have fun on vacation?” Two sets of ears perk up and two little tails start wagging. I take that as a YES!
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