Thursday, June 3, 2010

Sex and the City 2--Samantha Didn't Get Her Due!

Of the 4 gals on Sex and the City the one that I identify with least is SamanthaShe is the one I probably laugh at the most, I wonder what she is going to do next, but with my beliefs, upbringing, and personality, I just don’t see myself in her.  One thing I do admire about her is her commitment to her business and ability to rise to the top of her profession, while still “having a life”.  The reason for the ill-fated (and expensive) trip to Abu Dhabi was the Arab businessman who had observed her success as a public relations executive and was eager for her input on his upcoming projects. Eager enough to give in to her request that the “girls” go too and to spare no expense to impress her, he treated her as a business force to be reckoned with. I think the movie did the character of Samantha a real disservice and here’s why.

Ms. Samantha Jones, New York City PR maven, would never travel to a country and culture uninformed.  This was the start of what could be an extremely lucrative deal; and as much as Samantha loved a good looking man, she also enjoyed money, respect, and power in her chosen profession.  No intelligent person traveling to another part of the world for the first time would arrive so blindly unaware of what was required in terms of conduct and behavior.   Even in a menopause induced frenzy (been there, felt that) she knew better than to create the kind of dangerous situation she involved herself and her best friends in.

Didn’t she have a travel professional for her business and personal travel?  She has the best of everything else money and power can buy, who makes her travel plans?  Could I volunteer?  Had I been her travel advisor, I would have made sure she knew the rules of behavior, particularly between men and women in public.  Knowing Samantha, I would have been very firm with her—she does love her men!

No, the movie didn’t give Samantha credit.  For all her free-wheeling ways, she was still super intelligent and uber successful.  And yes, I know it’s just a chick flick, never meant to make a statement or be taken too seriously.  But, the business woman, 50 something, travel advisor in me couldn’t help but notice.  Maybe next time I can play the part of the intelligent, elegant, but fun loving side kick!  Show biz here I come!

Happy travels, Sandy

Sandy, the diva cruiser, is actually Sandy Wheeler, outside travel professional for Connie George Travel Associates.  Follow her adventures on Twitter @thedivacruiser and on her website  Email Sandy for comments, questions, or just to say hello.   

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